BankVal International validates SWIFT BICs and IBANs instantly, allowing your international payments collection to run smoothly. You’ll also be able to look up information about SWIFT codes worldwide using the latest SWIFT code directory.

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The IBAN validate API<userid>/pin/<pin>/iban/<iban>/<format>/
This should be sent as a GET request. <userid> and <pin> should be replaced with your BankVal International User ID and PIN. <iban> should be replaced with the IBAN you wish to check. <format> can be xml, csv or json.
Please contact us to obtain userid and pin credentials.
Remember to include failover to the mirror system at
Sample valid response in xml format
Sample valid response in json format
Possible error messages
INVALID – Country Code – The Country Code within the supplied IBAN is not valid
INVALID – Modulus Check Failed – The IBAN failed the modulus check
INVALID – Format – The supplied IBAN is not in a valid format
ERROR – Invalid User ID/PIN – The User ID or PIN has not been recognised.
ERROR – UserID Expired – Trial user ID has expired.
ERROR – Insecure connection – An attempt was made to access BankValInt’s ibanvalidate service using insecure HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS.